Overnight accommodation in the Lincolnshire countryside is sparse, and we recommend making reservations well in advance.
The nearest hotel is a Travelodge located in the nearby town of Sleaford, which is a 10-minute drive from the venue. We have block booked 20 double rooms for the night before the wedding (Friday 19th April) and the Saturday night of the wedding (Saturday 20th April).
These rooms are priced at £60 for the Friday night and £100 for the Saturday night.
Travelodge do not allow direct booking of block reserved rooms so if you would like to reserve a double room for either or both nights, please contact us directly by emailing joepadbury@hotmail.com
A small number of family and single rooms are available and can be booked directly by visiting www.travelodge.co.uk
Alternative accommodation can be found on AirBnb.com or Booking.com
As we are so fortunate to have already made a home together,
your presence joining us to celebrate our special day is all we ask.
However, if you would like to mark the occasion
of our marriage with a gift,
then we would be happy to receive a small
contribution towards our next family adventure.
More than anything, we hope that you can make it on the day,
so please don't feel obliged in any way.
Can I bring my children?
Due to being an intimate venue, we are hosting an adults only wedding with the exception of immediate family and babies in arms
When is the RSVP deadline?
January 2024
What time should I arrive for the ceremony?
The ceremony will begin at 2pm so please arrive from 1:30pm
What should I wear?
Dress for a wedding.... and don't forget to bring your dancing shoes!
Is there parking available at the wedding venue?
Yes! there is plenty of parking at the venue
I have dietary preferences/allergies. What's the best way to let you know?
Please make us aware of any dietary needs on the RSVP page
Can I take pictures during the ceremony to post on social media?
Absolutely yes, please snap away and feel free to tag us in your photos
What's the best way to contact you if I have additional questions?
Feel free to message us or give us a call:
Joe - 07523 391878
Tiahra - 07977 446674